Model: Modified BlasTech E-11 Military Issue Laser Rifle
Type: Enhanced blaster rifle
Scale: Character
Skill: Blaster: sniper rifle*
Ammo: 25
Cost: 2000 (power packs: 25)
Fire Rate: 1
Range: 10-60/200/700*
Damage: 5D+2
*Special Abilities: When attached to the standard E-11 blaster rifle, the electroscope more than doubles the rifle's effective range by compressing the blaster bolt. While these altered bolts travel far faster and farther than standard shots, and do more damage, they also use up four times as much energy and drastically reduce the weapon's fire rate. The electroscope's sensors and on board minicomputer ignore darkness or smoke, and add +3D to Perception and search rolls between 20 and 450 meters. The sensors also add +3D+2 to the character's blaster skill when using the rifle, but for ranges between 200 and 700 meters the E-11A1 must be braced against a steady surface or the bonus is reduced to +1D. (This penalty can be avoided by a Difficult Dexterity roll to see if the character can hold the gun steady at extreme ranges).

Very few E-11A1's were produced by the Empire because of their prohibiting cost and limited usage, though several made it into the hands of Lord Vader's Noghri and later Black Sun. The more advanced Nightstinger rifle offered greater range, accuracy, and invisible blaster bolts, and eventually replaced the E-11A1 in the Empire's special forces.

Submited by: RPripeton

Copyright © 1998 Andy Welch <RDsane@aol.com> All Rights Reserved.
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